Budget studio lights – Studio lights under 10000/-Rs

Budget studio lights under 10000/- Rs. Yes, you are reading it right. We are talking about studio lights which are cheap and good for beginner use. And still they will be able to give you images like these

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No Studio? No Problem – Create your photography studio anywhere.

Shot you see in the banner of this article has been shot in a very tight hotel room space with one profoto b1x and , a reflector working as the background for the image. Buying your own professional photography studio can be a big investment specially for beginner level photographers. In the beginning of your photography career , when every investment matters , buying a photography studio is not a good idea. Obviously there are studios available on rent but that also effects the shooting budget . So my suggestion for all of you who does not own a studio or not planning owning one right now, is to utilise whatever resources you have and create your best images. Now the question is how ? And what you will need ?

Continue reading No Studio? No Problem – Create your photography studio anywhere.